Oct 6, 2018

How To Have a Flat Tummy / Kako do ravnog stomaka

These days all you can hear on the news and read on the internet is how girls are starving themselves just to have a perfect body.Well guess what? Perfect body doesn't exist.And you don't need to starve yourself just to fit in a very tight skinny jeans.
If you want to have a slimmer body, you need to change your habits and exercise! Daily!
Here are some tips on how you can get a slimmer belly.

Ovih dana sve sto mozete cuti u vestima ili procitati na internetu je kako devojke drze razne dijete i izgladnjuju sebe samo da bi imale savrseno telo.Pa znate sta? Savrseno telo ne postoji.I ne treba da izgladnjujete sebe samo da biste stale u svoje omiljene uske farmerke.
Ako zelite mrsavije telo, treba da promenite svoje navike i da vezbate! Svakodnevno!
Evo nekoliko saveta o tome kako da imate tanji stomak.

1.Drink lots of water! 
You always need to drink water, but It's especially important if you are trying to flatten your belly.
Daily you should drink at least 2 liters of water (8 US liquid cups).When you say it that way if sounds like It's a lot but water will speed up your metabolism, and it will help your body in many other ways.

1.Pijte dosta vode!
Uvek treba da pijete vodu, ali je to posebno bitno ukoliko zelite da imate ravan stomak.
Dnevno treba da popijete barem 2 litra vode.Kada se tako kaze zvuci kao da je to previse, ali voda ce ubrzati vas metablizam, i pomoci vasem telu na mnogim drugim nacinima.

2. Avoid carbonated drinks 
Drinks like Coca-Cola and Pepsi have gas in them.And when you drink them that gas can make your tummy bloat.So just stay away of those drinks. 

2. Izbegavajte gazirana pica
Sokovi poput Koka-Kole i Pepsija sadrze gasove u sebi.Ti gasovi mogu izazvati nadutost i otecenost vaseg stomaka.Bolje ih se klonite. 

3. Say "No" to candy
 We all love sweets and candies but if you wanna have a flat tummy, you gotta say NO to them.

3. Recite "Ne" slatkisima
Svi mi volimo da jedemo slatkise.Zar ne? Ali ako zelite ravan stomak morate reci NE sebi svaki put kada posegnete za njima.

4. Eat fruits and vegetables
Eat bananas, pineapples, mangoes, avocados and all of the fruit and vegetables that are full of vitamins.You will stay healthy and full of energy.

4. Jedite voce i povrce  
Jedite banane, ananase, jedite mango i avokado i svo voce i povrce koje je puno vitamina.Ostacete zdravi i puni energije.

5. Exercise!
If you start exercising and if you follow this tipsyou will see progress.
I wish you good luck!
At the end of this post I'll post some of the flat tummy exercises that I hope will help you. :)

5. Vezbajte !
Ako pocnete da vezbate i ukoliko pratite ove savete, videcete napredak.
Zelim vam srecu u ostvarenju cilja.
Ispod cu postaviti neke vezbe koje vam mogu pomoci. :)

That is all for this post, thank you for reading.See you soon!

To bi bilo sve za ovaj post, hvala sto ste procitali.Vidimo se uskoro!  :)


  1. Thanks for sharing.For healthy living!

  2. Hi I am a very slim woman on my 30s and have an active healthy lifestyle but still having problems with my little 'pooch' tummy, what could have been the cause of this? Ideas? Btw, love your post!

  3. Insane post. Wish I could bookmark it twice!

  4. This is for the best guide Ive come across today, I love the visuals, layout and a lot of the advice!
