Oct 26, 2017

Mermaid brushes

 Hi everyone!

Today I'm doing a review of the items that I got from Zaful.
I ordered four sets of makeup brushes and one set of 10 beauty blenders.

Zdravo svima!

Danas radim review cektica sa zafula.
Narucila sam cetiri seta cetkica i jedno pakovanje od 10 beauty blendera.


The first set is the set of seven makeup brushes. It's really great and the quality is just perfect. I need to mention that all of these makeup brushes have really good soft but rough hair so it doesn't fall out.

Prvi set je set od sedam cetkica. Dobar je i kvalitet mu je sjajan. Moram napomenuti da je dlaka na svim ovim setovima jako dobra, mekana ali cvrsta tako da ne ispada.

2. The second set contains 6 mermaid brushes. They have been a big hit since the start of this year so I ordered them to see what all of the fuss was about.

Drugi set sadrzu sest sirena cetkica. Postale su ogroman hit pocetkom godine pa sam ih porucila da vidim cemu tolika frka oko njih.

3. In this set of beauty blenders there are 10 beauty blenders. They are good and really soft. My mom didn't use them yet but I am sure that with them you can easily blend and put makeup.

U ovom setu beauty blendera postoje 10 istih. Dobri su i dosta mekani. Moja ih mama jos uvek nije koristila ali sam sigurna da se njima moze dobro blendati i nanositi sminka. 

4.  This set contains 18 makeup brushes. They are just perfect. In this set you have all sorts of brushes from the eyebrow and eyeshadow brush to foundation and blush brush.
You can get them in different colors and I got my set in black.

Ovaj set sadrzi 18 cetkica. Savrsene su, U setu imate svakakve cetkice, od onih za obrve i senke do onih za puder i rumenilo.
Dostupne su u raznim bojama a ja sam svoj set porucila u crnoj. 

5. And tge last set contains 24 makeup brushes. They are pink and they are amazing. Quality is good and hair on the brushes is very soft and awesome.

I poslednji set sadrzi 24 cetkice. Pink su i stvarno su fantasticne. Kvalitet im je odlican a dlaka dosta mekana i cvrsta.

Links: 1 2 3 4 5

Thank you for reading!
Hvala na citanju!


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