Sep 10, 2017

Are you an idiot? - Quiz

Have you ever done an "Are you an idiot?" quiz. Oh, if you haven't it's just a simple quiz made of a few questions to see if and how stupid are you.
In this post you can do this easy, five questions quiz to see if you are smart or a total idiot.
It's short but I hope that you will like it.

P.S I made this quiz by myself

Da li ste nekada uradili " Jesi li idiot" kviz? O, pa ako niste to je jedan prost kviz sastavljen od nekoliko pitanja da vidite da li ste i koliko ste glupi.
U ovom postu mozete odraditi ovaj lak kviz sastavljen od pet pitanja kako biste videli da li ste pametni ili totalni idiot. 
Kviz je kratak, ali se nadam da ce vam se dopasti.

P.S Ovaj sam kviz sastavila ja. 

This quiz is just for fun and can't really measure your IQ and mind.
Hope you had fun while you were doing it! 
Also, if you want me to do other quizzes like this, let me know in the comments!

Ovaj je kviz napravljen samo iz zabave i ne moze ozbiljno da izmeri vas IQ, pamet i slicno.
 Nadam se da ste se zabavili dok ste ga radili!
Takodje, ukoliko zelite da napravim jos neke kvizove nalik ovom, recite mi u komentarima!


  1. interesting quiz! haha. anyway, sure dear! let's follow each other but will you please do it first then let me know when you're done and i'll surely do the same. i just want to make sure. thanks!!

    xoxo, rae

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  3. Interesantan post! :D
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  4. Zanimljiv kviz... A sad ako želite popunite ovu anketu

  5. Ohh I've got 3 correct answers and 2 incorrect, but because in one of them I marked one by mistake.. So i'm a bit idiot, haha! I like this kind of tests!
    I'm following you now!

  6. tricky...

  7. What a fun quiz! I really enjoyed it!
