Jul 9, 2017

New-in Rosegal, Gamiss

Hello everyone!
I was to lazy to sit down and write a post although I wanted to. I am finally writing it now.
Again I have dozens of collaborations but when I finish them all I will write some more original posts.

I ordered four things from Rosegal
and Gamiss. An amazing shoulder bag and wrist watch are from Gamiss (with which I collaboration for the first time) and jeans and some bermudas are from Rosegal.

Zdravo svima!
Bila sam previse lenja da napisem post iako sam to htela lol. Evo konacno ga pisem sada.
Opet imam desetine saradnji ali kada zavrsim sa njima pisacu malo originalnije postove.

Nego, narucila sam cetiri stvarcice sa Rosegala i Gamiss-a. Jednu sjajnu torbu i sat sa Gamissa (sa kojim saradjujem prvi put) i bermude i farmerke sa Rosegala.

The jeans are made of a great material and they are very pleasant to wear. Of course they are ripped in some places and they were really cheap.

Farmerke su napravljene od nekog jako dobrog i prijatnog materijala. Normalno da sam porucila pocepane farmerke lol. I naravno da su jeftine.

The bermudas are also ripped on both legs and they are perfect for this hot weather.
Unfortunately both of these items are sold out.
The bermudas were avalable in black, blue and white color and I was going to order them in all three colors but I guess I'll wait untill they're back in stock.

Bermude su takodje pocepane i to na obe noge sto ih jos vise cini pogodnim za ovo vreme. Nazalost i farmerke i bermude su rasprodate.
Bermude su bile dostupne u crnoj, beloj i olavoj boji i ja sam htela da ih porucim u sve tri boje ali izlgeda da cu se nacekati.

Sandals are also great. I really adore them.
Sandale su takodje sjajne obozavam ih!

Now I'll present you two things I got from Gamiss.
But first, for those who don't know, Gamiss is one amazing online store such as Zaful and Rosegal. They sell fashion with high quality.

Sada cu vam predstaviti stvarcice sa Gamissa.
Ali prvo, za one koji ne znaju Gamiss je jedan sjajan sajt kao Zaful i Rosegal. Prodaju odecu visokog kvaliteta.

I ordered one pink and green shoulder bag for myself and it's really amazing. The material is PU leather and with this bag I also got a small one which is black.
I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that small bag because it.didn't say on their site that you get one extra bag.The bag is really casual and you can combine it with almost everything
Porucila sam jednu roze-zelenu torbu za sebe od lazne koze. Uz ovu jako kvalitetnu torbu dobila sam jos jednu manju crnu torbicu-neseser. Bila sam prijatno iznenadjena kada sam videla i tu malu torbicu jer na njihivom sajtu ne pise da se dobija jos jedna dodatna torba. Torba se moze nositi i kombinovati uz sve, svaki dan.

The watch I ordered for my friend.
As you can see it has a map as a wallpaper and a plane. It's super cool and I will also order one for myself.

Sto se sata tice, narucila sam ga za drugaricu. Kao sto mozete videti ima mapu i avion na pozadini. Bas je kul i narucicu jedan i za sebe.

Hope you liked this post, bye!
Nadam se da vam se dopao post, do sledeceg!

Links : https://www.gamiss.com/shoulder-bags-11166/product335489/?lkid=129079


  1. Odličan post!Sat izgleda prelijepo ♥

    funnyandrabbits.blogspot.ba-zapratite me,uzvraćam

  2. Enjoy your new items. :)

    Have a fabulous week ahead!
    Xoxo, Victoria


  3. Hola:)
    Te sigo, mi blog es
    Un beso

  4. Jako zanimljive stvari, mnogo mi se sviđaju. Sat je zanimljiv, a lijepo bi bilo poručiti i za neku prijateljicu koja je daleko od tebe,a da vas to spaja ❤❤❤

    Marija's blog

  5. Wow, bermude i sat su me oduševili.
    Nemam zamjerku ni za torbu i farke, ali ovo dvoje me zaista oduševilo.
    Želim ti lijep dan, draga!

  6. Divne stvari si odabrala, sat mi se najvise dopada

