Jun 6, 2017

Chiffon Dresses

Hello everyone! How are you?
I was so inactive because of the ending of this school year. My summer vacation officially starts on Tuesday and since then I will be more active on blog because I'll finally have free time.
This summer is the first birthday of my blog so I will make a little surprise for y'all.

Zdravo svima! Kako ste?
Bila sam neaktivna na blogu u zadnjih dva meseca zbog skole. I konacno moj raspust pocinje u utorak, kada cu posvetiti vise vremena blogu. Ovog je leta takodje prvi rodjendan mom blogu, tako da planiram da vas iznenadim necime.

Now, I'm presenting you another whislist from site Gamiss. For the record, I am grateful for the chance to work with this site. I loved their chiffon dresses and I just had to share them with you.

Here are the pics:

Sada vam predstavljam listu zelja sa sajta Gamiss. Inace prvi put imam priliku da saradjujem sa sajtom o kome sam cula samo reci hvale. Njihove sifon haljine su me ocarale, te sam morala da ih podelim sa vama.

Evo slicina:

The reason I picked this dress is because it looks so casual and beautiful. I am not really sure if chiffon material is a good idea for a dress but the model of the dresses were really pretty, especially this one. I adore this one because of the sleeves and because of it's color. If there's enough money left in my bufget I will definitely order it.

Razlog zbog kog sam izabrala ovu haljinicu je jer izgleda tako kezual i prelepo. Mada, nisam sigurna da je materijal-sifon dobar materijal ali su mi se modeli haljina dosta dopali te zato sam i odabrala sifon haljine za ovaj post. Ova mi je posebno lepa. Sto zbog rukava, sto zbog boje. Ako bude ostalo nesto novca u mom budzetu dok budem porucivala sa ovog sajta, definitivno cu je poruciti.

Link: HERE

The next one is also gorgeous I adoreee the color! The style of all these dresses is obviously boho and hipi style, even though I'm not into that stuff I really, really like these dresses.

Sledeca haljina je takodje prelepa iii obozaavaam joj boju! Stil svih ovih haljina sa moje liste je boho i hipi, iako ja nisam u tom fazonu, vec skroz obrnuto dosta su mi se svidele ove haljine.

Link: HERE

And the last dress I will be presenting you is absolutely awesome! Because it's full of colors it will definitely get you in the summer mood. You also get a belt with the dress, just like in the picture. For some reason the pattern of it reminds me of Africa.

I poslednja haljina koju cu vam predstavili je skroz fantasticna! Zbog svih ovih boja definitivno ce vas uvesti u potpuno letnje raspolozenje. Sjajno je to sto uz haljinu dobijate i ovaj kais sa slike. A takodje me sara haljine iz nekog razloga podseca na Afriku.

Link: HERE

Hope you like the dresses.. I will start writing some free topic post as soon as I can.And thank you for reading

Nadam se da vam se dopada moj izbor haljina.
Uskoro cu poceti da pisem postove sa slobodnim temama.
Hvala na citanju.


  1. wow, these dresses look amazing!

  2. Predivan izbor, mada moram izdvojiti ovu drugu.
    Uz to, dobro došla nazad :*

    Moj mali kutak

  3. Wow... I have to say that this clothing is very beautiful! The dress is so romantic and sensual.
    Wish you a beautiful evening.
    Flo from

  4. Predivne haljine. Prva mi se najvise sviđa :))


  5. Cute dresses, i love gamiss :)
    I follow your blog, can you check mine?

  6. Love the first dress!
    I´m following your blog, it´s amaizing.

    Sparkle Outfit
