Apr 16, 2017

Hair Chalk

Hello everyone!

Here I am, with another review post. Hope I didn't bored you with these kind of posts.
Anyway, I'm doing another review from BornPrettyStore. I ordered hair chalks and makeup brushes.
The only objection I have is that I waited more than 20 days for the package to arrive. The last time I waited longer. And the problem is in the Serbian customs, not in the traveling of a package.

Zdravo svima!

Evo mene opet sa jos jednim review postom. Nadam se da vas nisam smorila ovakvim postovima.
Ovog puta radim review stvarcica sa stranice BornPrettyStore. Narucila sam krede za kosu i cetkice za skinkanje.
Imam jednu zamerku, cekala sam da mi paket stigne vise od 20 dana. Tako je bilo i proslog puta, mada mislim da sam tada ipak cekala duze. Mislim da problem nije u slanju i putovanju paketa, vec kod nasih srpskih carinika koji su mi ovaj put zadrzavali paket na carini svega 13 dana.

Well I'll start my review.
As I already mentioned I ordered hair chalks. Actually I ordered three but only two arrived, and I was a bit disappointed about that. I got a pink and a blue one. I tried the blue one and the color is really intensive, though I won't use them till summer because of school and stuff. And I'll probably make a post when I dye my hair with them so you can see how it looks.

Nego da pocnem ja..
Kako vec pomenuh na pocetku posta, narucila sam krede za kosu. Tj. narucila sam tri krede ali su mi samo dve stigle, malo sam bila razocarana zbog toga. Dobila sam jednu u pink boji a drugu u plavoj.
Vec sam isprobala plavu i mogu vam reci da ostavlja jako intenzivnu boju, mada necu ih koristiti do leta zbog skole i slicno.. Verovatno cu tada napraviti jos jedan post o ovim kredama kako biste videli nakon sto obojim kosu kako to izgleda.

Here in Serbia we still don't have hair chalk, we have something similar. Because of that I'm sure that I'll order more next time.

Ovde u Srbiji jos uvek nemamo ovakve krede, imamo nesto slicno. Zbog toga sam sigurna da cu sledeceg puta naruciti jos neke.

Now, the makeup brushes.
They come in a special kind of bag that's perfect for traveling so you can save space in your suitcase. There are 7 makeup brushes in a set. My mom tried them and she says that they do their job perfectly.
Their hair is not that soft which makes them perfect and they look  like those expensive professional makeup brushes.

Sada, vam predstavljam i cektice za sminku koje sam porucila.
Dolaze u jednoj sivoj fotroli koja je savrsena za putovanja kako biste ustedeli prostor u vasem koferu.
U setu se nalaze 7 cetkice poredjane po velicini. Moja mama ih je isprobala i rekla da savrseno odradjuju svoj posao. 
Dlake im nisu premeke, kao kod jedne cetkice sa Rosegala, sto ih cini savrsenim a takodje i izgledaju kao one skupe i profesionalne cetkice za sminku.

I can say that I'm really satisfied with this package. I especially love those hair chalks. Thank you reading lovely people. See you soon!

Mogu vam reci da sam prilicno zadovoljna ovim paketom, posebno kredama za kosu. Hvala sto ste citali. Vidimo se uskoro!


  1. Ove ''krede'' za kosu mi se čine prezanimljivim, a mislim da je lijepo što ove četkice imaju i torbicu

    Delilah's Stories

  2. Četkice izgledaju zanimljivo :) Super post 🌸

  3. Anonymous16/4/17 14:43

    'Krede' za kosu su veoma zanimljive, a čula sam da je Demi Lovato sa ovim načinom obojila kosu, i veoma dobro joj je ispalo. Čekam post o recenziji ovih kreda, ali ceo post posvećen njima. Volela bih da vidim kako će ispasti.


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  4. Anonymous16/4/17 17:14

    Odlican set, cini mi se da su dobre cetkice ^_^

    Novi post na mom blogu ^_^ https://adrianafashionpuzzle.blogspot.rs/

  5. Sjajan post draga! Krede za kosu su mi veoma zanimljive, mislim da ću i ja poručiti uskoro! :)


  6. Those makeup brushes look great. :)
    Xoxo, Victoria


  7. Super su ti ove cetkice. Izgledaju jako kvalitetno :)

  8. I hope I had the guts to try hair chalk!
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