Apr 28, 2017

Blue sneakers

Hello everyone!
Before all I want to apologize for not being active on blogger for the past 10 days. I saw that a lot of great posts were published, and I can't wait to read them all..

Zdravo svima!
Pre svega zelela bih da vam se izvinim zbog moje neaktivnosti na blogeru. Videla sam da ste objavili dosta sjajnih postova i jedva cekam sve da ih iscitam..

Well, I don't mean to brag but I'm going on another republican competition, but this one is history. I would like to become a history professor someday. Who know what will happened.

Pa sada, ne bih da se hvalim ali idem na jos jedno republicko takmicenje, u pitanju je istorija. Dosta volim istoriju i nadam se da cu nekada postati profesor istorije. Mada ko zna sta ce sve da mi se izdesava.

I prepared another review post for you. I ordered four items from Rosegal and Zaful Sneakersa plaid dress, a bag, and sandals.
The sneakers are urtunately sold out, so if you want to order them, you'll have to wait a bit for them to me in stock again.
My first time ordering shoes online experience went really well. I was a bit skeptical if I'm gonna get the right size or not, luckily they fit perfectly. I got them in size 38. and I usually wear 37. European size but their sizes are different, so I would recommend you to always buy a size bigger then the one you usually wear.

Spremila sam za vas jos jedan review post. Narucila sam cetiri stvari sa Rosegala i Zafula. Patike, kariranu haljinu, torbu i sandale.
Patike su nazalost rasprodate, pa ukoliko biste zelele da ih narucite, morale biste da cekate neko vreme dok se opet ne vrate u prodaju.
Moje prvo iskustvo kupovanja obuce na netu proslo je jako dobro. Bila sam malo skepticna oko velicine, ali srecom savrseno mi pristaju. Uzela sam ih u velicini 38. sto je broj veci od velicine koju inace nosim. Nase, evropske velicine i njihove, da kazem, kineske se dosta razlikuju. Zbog toga bih vam preporucila da uzimate uvek broj veci.

I wore them a few times since I got them, and I can say that they are very comfortable to wear, and very light.

Do sada sam ih nosila svega nekoliko puta, mada mogu vam reci da su zaista udobne i lagane.

They were avalable in three colors, and I have the blue ones.

Dostupne su u tri boje, a ja sam se odlucila za plavu i u toj boji ih i porucila.

As for the dress, the material is really good, but it's bit small to me. I got it in the size M, which is my actual size, but again their sizes are not like ours. I don't know how the previous items fitted perfectly. But I guess that it all depends on a material and stuff.

Sto se haljine tice, materijal je dosta dobar, ali, nazalost haljina mi je malo mala. Uzela sam je u M velicini, sto je ona velicina koju normalno nosim, ali (ponavljam se) njihove velicine nisu kao nase. Ne znam kako se pogodilo da su mi prethodne stvari koje sam uzimala lepo odgovarale. Mada pretpostavljam da sve zavisi od modela i materijala.

But the bag and shoes are really awesome. Both of them are for my mom. I wanted to surprise her so I ordered them.
She is really satisfied and happy with both items. The bag is really nice, and the shoes are comfortable.

Iako mi haljina ne pristaje tako dobro, cipele i torba su sjajni. Obe stvari su za moju mamu. Porucila sam ih jer sam zelela da je iznenadim.
Zadovoljna je i srecna njima. Torba je stvarno lepa, a cipele su udobne.

Rosegal spring 2017 Promotion  


  1. Anonymous28/4/17 20:54

    Patike su predivne, draga. Sviđa mi se boja i jako mi je žao što su rasprodaje. Čekam da ih opet vrate u prodaju, ili ću ih potražiti na nekom drugom sajtu. Poslušaću tvoj savet o broju koji nosim.

    Novi post je na mom blogu: Music playlist #4 - April
    Ne zaboravi da se učlaniš u moj blog: laAdda

  2. Sve je divno. Torba je prelepa, a karirana haljina me je odusevila! Super ti stoji haljina, ne vidi se da ti je mala :D Fashion Lover

  3. Wow these items are really cool.. love the sneakers and the sandals.. will check them out

    Glowyshoes's blog

  4. Stvari su predivne, ali patike su mi najbolje. Baš su u prolećnom fazonu!

    The Fashion Spell | Instagram

  5. Shirt dress is amazing!

  6. Jao haljina je predivna! Steta sto ti ne odgovara.
    Sretno draga na natjecanju! ❤


  7. Odličan post! Patike su super :)


  8. Wow baš imaš dobar stil, sviđa i se ta košulja haljina, ili šta je već, sandalice su predivne *O*

    Delilah's Stories

  9. Odlične stvarčice <3


  10. Anonymous29/4/17 16:15

    Prelepe stvari :)



  11. Hi dear and thank you for your visit! I like very much your selection, especially sneakers and sandals. I know very well Zaful and Rosegal. Really good website!!! Today I have started following you on Google+. Hope you follow me back. What do you think to follow us also on Bloglovin or other socials? Let me know....Have a nice day, kisses,

    Eniwhere Fashion
    Eniwhere Fashion Facebook

  12. I like your sneakers. I am following you and I hope you follow back .

  13. Great dress!


  14. Ajmee predobre stvari! :)


  15. Malo je reci da su ove stvarcice vrh! Zaista sjjan izbor, rpedivne stvari si odabrala, odusevljena sam! Pored toga, super si nam ih prezentovala, recenzije su sjajne. Puno srece na takmicenju iz istorije!


  16. What a wonderful purchase!
    Have a great week!

  17. Superb !
    kiss, Lidy

  18. Those first shoes are super cute, and I like everything else that you wear!

    Little Moon Elephant

  19. Cute sneakers, and the bags are also lovely. :)
    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

    Xoxo, Victoria


  20. all of those items are amazing
    but the light blue Sneakers are THE BEST

    with love your AMELY ROSE
