Jan 11, 2017

RoseGal whishlist

Hello everyone!

Today I'm presenting you my wishlist from an online store called Rosegal.
That's one amazing store who has everything from clothes and accessories to all of those little things for house products.

I've read a lot of other bloggers' reviews about this site and their products, and I really wanted to try their products myself. Luckily I'm now going to be able to do that  thanks to Sandra from The story of a Gothic Princess blog who connected me with them.
So thank you Sandra, again.

Zdravo svima!

Danas vam predstavljam moju listu zelja sa sajta Rosegal.Verujem da su mnogi culi za taj sajt, i da su mnogi i upoznati sa nihovim proizvodima.
Ipak, to je jedna sjajna stranica koja prodaje sve od odece i modnih dodataka, sminke do nekih sitnica za kucu.

Procitala sam mnogo recenzija o proizvodima sa ove stranice, pa sam i sama pozelela da saradjujem sa njima i uverim se u kvalitet njihovih proizvoda.Srecom, sklopili smo saradnju.Mada verovatno se nista od toga ne bi desilo da nije bilo moje drage Sandre sa bloga The story of a Gothic Princess  koja me je povezala. sa njihovim operaterom.
Tako da jos jednom, hvala ti Sandra.

Now, let me present you my wish list.

Sada, dozvolite mi da vam predstavim svoju listu zelja.

Ok, when I saw this dress I fell in love with it instantly.
It's a vintage/retro dress.And even though my style is rocker style, I adore this kind of dresses and all of the fashion trends that were wearable in the 50's and 60's.
Also, I was looking for this kind of dress for a very long time.

Okej, kada sam videla ovu haljinu istog trenutka sam se zaljubila u nju.
Ona je jedna vintidz haljina/retro haljina.I iako ja sam vise rokerski stil, ovakve haljine i te trendove iz 50-ih i 60-ih obozavam.
Takodje, za ovakvom haljinom tragam vec dugo.

Here's the link of it:  www.rosegal.com/vintage-dresses/retro-belted-high-waisted-polka-707117.html?lkid=99436 

Link haljine je gore ↑

The next thing I ordered is this wrist watch.
I love geography so this is my kind of watch πŸ˜€

Sledeca stvar koju sam narucila je ovaj rucni sat.
Obozavam geografiju tako da je ovo prava stvar za mene πŸ˜€

The link: www.rosegal.com/watches/map-pattern-quartz-watch-with-80005.html?lkid=99436
Link se nalazi gore ↑

The third thing are these makeup brushes.
I ordered them for my mom cause I don't very often use makeup.I'm sure she'll love them. πŸ˜‹

Treca stvar koju sam narucila su cetkice za sminkanje.
Narucila sam ih prvenstveno za mamu jer ja ne koristim sminku cesto.
Sigurna sam da ce joj se jako dopasti.πŸ˜›

Link: www.rosegal.com/makeup-tools/stylish-20-pcs-plastic-handle-nylon-makeup-brushes-set-496130.html?lkid=99436 

This is the last thing that I'm going to be showing you, all of the other things you'll see on my review posts.
This is a set of rings.I adore rings that's why I had to order them, they look really nice.Can't wait to try them on.

Ovo je poslednja stavr koju cu vam pokazati, sve ostale stvari koje sam porucila videce te u nekim od mojih sledecih postova.
Ovo je set prstenja.Veliki sam ljubitelj prstenja i zato sam i morala da ih narucim, a izgledaju bas kul.Jedva cekam da ih probam.

Link:  www.rosegal.com/rings/natural-stone-geometric-heart-ring-737396.html?lkid=99436 

I hope you enjoyed this post.I'll see y'all soon.Byeeeeee 😺

Nadam se da ste uzivali citajuci ovaj post.Vidimo se uskoroo.Caooo 😺

Ball Dresses


  1. Fabulous items, I like the brushes:)
    Have a good day!


  2. That dress looks so stunning! Love this post x

  3. Odličan post!
    Svrati,GIVEAWAY je na mom blogu - https://eniiway.blogspot.hr/

  4. Great things!This watch is cute <3


  5. Sat i cetkice izgledaju super! :D
    Pratim te <3

    Fashion Lover

  6. Love everything you’re wearing – and I love those extra photos!

  7. Zanimljiva wishlista, tockasta haljinica mi se jako dopada. Cula sam za Rosegal, ali moram priznati da dugo nisam bila na samom sajtu. Hvala sto si me podsjetila :)
    Novi post: shoppingholic-dreamer.blogspot.com

  8. Sat je predivan! Želim ovakav već neko vrijeme :)


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  10. Great items, I really love the world map watch, it's awesome, so stylish!
    Have a great weekend!
    Xoxo, Victoria


  11. Loved your blog!
    Really great posts!
    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog and of course I'll follow you! Already did it :D

  12. Odlican post! Sve je jako lijepo, a najvise mi se svidjela haljina. Prelijepa je. Prvi put sam na tvom blogu i odlican je, jako mi se svidja. Clan sam tvog bloga, ako zelis uzvrati. <3


  13. Wonderful post! I really like the rings!

  14. A very nice blog, congratulations for your work!!!kiss

  15. Hi!!! I am following you. I really like your blog.
    Follow me back?


    Big kiss for you!

  16. Hi! thanks for visiting my blog! I'm following you, hope you follow me back!

  17. Divan post! zaprati me


  18. Dva puta sam saradjivala sa ovim sajtom i mogu ti reci da slobodno ne brines, jer ces sigurno biti zadovoljna porudzbinom.Sjajan post.♥

    Clan sam tvog bloga ako zelis uzvrati:

  19. The dress is adorable :)
    Thanks for your comment!


  20. Anonymous20/1/17 22:06

    Great post dear!

  21. Beautiful watch! Makes me think about traveling all the time <3
