Nov 27, 2016

Trendy jewellery

Hello and welcome to my blog!
Today I was only in a mood for reading.So that's what I did.I sat there and read Harry Potter all day.
I'm not really in a mood for writing a post right now, but I'll do it anyway cause blog is what makes me happy.

Jewellery or jewelry what ever you say kind of an essential for formal and casual outfits.
But then, there are the days that you just don't want to wear anything, especially jewellery, and would rather stay in bed.I could write about those days, but no..let me get back on my topic.
This post is about the jewellery that's bee trending all over the world.Enjoy :)

Dobrodosli na moj blog!
Danas sam bila raspolozena samo za citanje.Pa to sam i radila.Sela sam i citala Hari Potera ceo dan.
Nisam bas ni raspolozena za pisanje novog posta sada, ali sve jedno cu to uciniti jer me blog usrecuje.

Nakit...nekako je osnovan za formalne i svakondenvne odevne kombinacije.
Ali onda, postoje dani kada ne zelite nista da nosite, a kamo li nakit, i radije biste da ostanete u krevetu.Mogla bih o tome da pisem, ali drzacu se teme.
Ovo je post o nakitu koji je trendiran u celom svetu.Uzivajte :)


Cause of it's popularity I think that everybody heard of them.Yeah, they are the hottest thing right now.And the girls over the world went crazy about them.
I think they are cool but I don't really wear them a lot.There you have big and wide chokers that I'm really not digging, I prefer the normal size chokers. Like this :

Zbog svoje popularnosti mislim da su svi culi za njih.Da, oni su jedna od "must have" stvari sada.
I devojke sirom sveta su poludele za njima.
Mislim da su jako kul ali ih bas i ne nosim.Postoje oni veliki dugacki i siroki cokeri koji prikrivaju skoro ceo vrat, koji se meni uopste ne svidjaju.Vise volim one obicne.Kao ove :


Something I used to wear a lot, but now really rare.
Even if I don't wear them that often I adore 'em.Small rings is what I like (usually BOHO) , not those huge with big rocks and that stuff.They are a huge trend maybe because they look really cool and of because they come in a lot of awesome shapes.

Prstenje je nesto sto sam pre jako nosila, ali sada jako retko.
Iako ih ne nosim obozavam ih.Malo prstenje je ono sto mi se svidja ( to su BOHO, koji su jako u trendu ) , a uopste ne volim ono ogromno prstenje sa ogroooomnim kamenjem na njima.
Prstenje je mozda u trendu zbog svog kul isgleda, ili pak jer dolazi u raznim zanimljivim oblicima kao trougao npr.


Okay.This trend I like the most.I am constantly wearing them.And I have my favorites in a shape of an owl (HP fan) .These days the cool pierced ears are if you have a few holes on your ears.And I totally ship that, I myself want to have that,  but I hate it when I see someone who's ears are not visible by all of those piercings he/she has.Yuck...

Ok.Ovaj mi je trend najdrazi.Stalno ih nosim i omiljene su mi u obliku sovica (HP fan).
Ovih dana kul probusene usi su ako imate vise od jedne rupice na uvetu.I to mi se totalno svidja, ja bih zelela to da imam , ali covece, sto mrzim kada se nekome usi ne vide od svih pirsinga koje ima.Bljak

 I think that I mentioned the most popular trends.Yeah, there are a lot of them but I would need an eternity to mention them here.
 I hope you've enjoyed this short post.I'll see you soon.Byeeeeeeee :)

 Mislim da sam pomenula sve popularne trendove (nakite).I da, ima ih jos mnogo ali trebala bi mi citava vecnost da ih ovde napisem.
 Nadam se da vam  se ovaj kratak post dopao.Vidimo se uskorooo :)

Instagram : @kaca_stam
Twitter: @badassvampire1


  1. Odlican post.Najvise mi se dopadaju mindjuse :)

  2. Cool post! :))

  3. You do know that "I ship that" means that you support a romantic relationship between two people... So you're supporting a romantic relationship between multiple holes in ears and..? Lol either way great post bro.

    1. Shipping can mean a lot of things.Look it up my friend

  4. Kratak post, ali vrlo lep. Izgled bloga je savršen. Samo gore gde piše Badass Vampire postavi baner. Ako ne znaš kako da ga napraviš, obrati se nekoj blogerci.

  5. Odličan post draga! Mislim da su chokeri ipak za mene najbolji izbor, naravno, svaka čast na postu *-*
    Ako imaš vremena pročitaj moj novi post - This is my life

  6. whoa, looks fantastic! Love all the details)

  7. Mindjuse su savrsene.

  8. hi darling ım following you by gfc name by soslubadem... ı hope you will be back :)

  9. lovely jewellery! :)

  10. Super post. Mnogo mi se sviđa izbor minđuša. Predivne su. :*

    Moj mali kutak

  11. wonderful post, i like the way you wrote this especially the starting

  12. Predivan nakit 💖👌👌

  13. I love chokers so much, and these are so cute <3
    An Aesthetic Alien | Instagram | Facebook

  14. I´m so in love with chockers:)

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  16. Love those chokers :)

  17. Wonderful post! Beautiful jewelry!

  18. Beautiful jewelry, I love the chokers.
    I usually wear jewelry every day, but sometimes I choose to wear a scarf instead of a necklace, as scarves are also among my favorite accessories, I've got lots of them.
    Have a great weekend!
    Xoxo, Victoria

  19. Složila bih se s tobom, definitivno sve od navedenog je u modi, ali i sve od navedenog jako volim, najdraže mi je prstenje, ali i raznorazne naušnice, super ideja za post :)

  20. Anonymous4/12/16 18:44

    Love them.
    Nice post :)

  21. I am a big fan of chokers ans jewellery.. love to wear them a lot... but the ones that i use more often is earrings....

    I start to follow you too



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