Oct 1, 2016

Post #15 This week's Top 5 songs

Hello everybody!

Are you enjoying the weekend?
Well I know I am.And I am going to take advantage of this little rest time that I have left.

Anyway, my last post was somehow deleted.I don't know why and idk what happened.
That's why I am writing this post on Saturday.
That happened before.And one my older post was deleted too.
But let's just ignore it.

Without further ado allow me to present you 5 tracks that are "hot" this week :

Zdravoo svima!

Da li uzivate u vikendu?
Ja da.I potudicu se da iskoristim ovo slobodno vreme.

Dakle, moj poslednji post je nekako izbrisan.Ne znam zasto ni kako.
Zato i pisem ovaj post u Subotu.
Ovo nije prvi put da mi se to desava, jedan moj stariji post je takodje bio izbrisan.
Ali hajde da ignorisemo to.

Da ne duzim, dozvolite mi da vam predstavim 5 pesama koje su "in" ove nedelje :

Number 5 : Sia Featuring Sean Paul "Cheap Thrills" 

 Sia and Sean Paul took 5th place in this chart  by this hit song that just makes you wanna get up and dance.The video is so cool :)

Sia i Sean Paul su zauzeli peto mesto na ovoj listi.Pesma me jednostavno tera da ustanem i igram.
A i video je jako dobar.

Number 4 : Major Lazer, Justin Bieber & MO "Cold Water"

 Even if the reviewers said that this song is just another "elevator" song and that it sounds  like "every other typical dance song on the radio or in the clubs" I have to disagree.
I really like this song and I would give it 10/10.

 Kriticari su za ovu pesmu rekli da je "tipicna pesma za radio i klubove" i da je pesma koja se slusa samo u liftovima.
Ja se ne slazem.
Dopada mi se ova pesma i dala bi joj 10/10.

Number 3 : Justin Timberlake “Can’t Stop The Feeling”

 This song is sooooo catchy.
I just can't get it out of my head.
I literally sing it all the time.Even when I am going to school with my friends.
It also makes me happy.
And yes I would give it 10/10.

Pesma je jakooo zarazna.
Ne mogu da je izbacim iz glave.
Bukvalno je stalno pevam.Cak i kada idem u skolu sa svojim drugaricama.
Takodje me nekako usrecuje.

Number 2 : Twenty One Pilots "Heathens"

 This is a song from Suicide Squad's soundtrack.
I just cannot believe that I didn't like it in the first place.
Now I am obsessed with a song and the movie.

You can watch suicide squad's trailer here.

Ova pesma je iz filma Suicide Squad (verujem da ste culi za njega).
Ne mogu da verujem da mi se pesma u pocetku nije dopadala.
Sada sam opsednuta i pesmom i filmom.

Ovde mozete pogledati trejler za film.

And the first place goes to......
The Chainsmokers Featuring Halsey "Closer"

 This song has all the ingredients for a radio hit.
Which it is.
And I love it.

Ova pesma ima sve sastojke da postane pravi hit.
Sto i jeste.
I obozavam je.

That was all for this post.I hope you've liked it
Let me know in the comments what you think about these songs and do you like them.
See you soon.Byeeee :)

To je sve za ovaj post.Nadam se da vam se dopao.
U komentarima mi pisite vase misljenje o ovim pesmama i da li vam se dopadaju.
Vidimo se uskoro :)


  1. Oh yes I love JT!


  2. I love the song Closer.It's so catchy and I love to dance with it.

    Check out my blog: http://peaceandloveandshimmer.blogspot.rs/

  3. I love "Can't stop the feeling".That's kind of my jam :)

  4. Odlican post zaista, odusevljena sam, s obzirom da ne slusa ovu muziku, dobrodoslo mi je nesto novo.


  5. nisam još nijednu od ovih poslušala, mada sam ovaj soundtrack od Suicide Squad vjerojatno čula jer sam gledala trailer za filmm koji je, čini mi se dobar, ali ipak mi se nije dalo otići do kina zbog njega.

  6. Super pesme si izabrala :D


  7. Hello, I have followed you via GFC. Kindly follow me back as you recently suggested on my blog. Thanks

    Chaste & Beautiful

  8. Odlican post,divne pjesme koje i ja sama slusam! Odlican izborr :*
    Ako mozes klikni na link na kraju mog zadnjeg posta,hvala puno <3

  9. Znam sve pjesme koje si navela i imam ih na svojoj playlisti, uistinu stalno iskacu na MTV-u. Obozavam Closer i Cold Water, ne znam jesi li poslusala Let Me Love You (JB i Dj Snake cini mi se) ? Mogla bi ti se dopasti :)
    Novo kod mene: shoppingholic-dreamer.blogspot.com

  10. NOMINOVALA SAM TE ( something new ) pogledaj na zadnjem postu o čemu je reč <3 <3

    Boomy's Place

  11. Znam sve pjesme koje si navela i imam ih na svojoj playlisti, uistinu stalno iskacu na MTV-u. Obozavam Closer i Cold Water, ne znam jesi li poslusala Let Me Love You (JB i Dj Snake cini mi se) ? Mogla bi ti se dopasti :)
    Novo kod mene: shoppingholic-dreamer.blogspot.com

  12. Nice songs! Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Just let me know :)


  13. Here I am! I will start following you and nice post dear :)

  14. http://thebeautyofstylefashionblog.blogspot.ba/

  15. Hi Katarina, thank you for visiting my blog and for leaving a comment.
    Yes I would like us to follow each other, I have already started following you on GFC (#122), so here's my blog as well.


    Hope to see you soon!

  16. Hello, I've followed you again via GFC, tell me if I am visible in the followers list now? And thank you so much for following me back. I hope the problem is solved. :)

    Chaste & Beautiful

  17. Great song list, I love Sia, always puts me in a great mood!

    Madame X
    The Flower Duet

  18. Draga Katarina, odlična ideja za post! Mnogo volim ovakvu vrstu posta. Ja najviše volim pesmu "Cold water":) Radujem se sledećem postu♥

    Kika's blog

  19. Great post, bro!
    Love all the songs you've got here, my favourite is "Can't stop the feeling"!


  20. Closer is definitely the song of the moment! It's completely stuck in my head :D

    You have such an awesome blog! I love it :) i'm following you and I would love if you could follow me too ♥


  21. Jao, Siinu pesmu slusam vec dva meseca neprestano, znaci opsednuta sam hehe
    Super playlista! :D
    Teen Queen

  22. Funny post, friend! :)


  23. muy buena seleccion de sonidos

  24. Thank you so much to visit and comment my blog,now I follow you please follow me too.

  25. OMG, I love all your top 10 songs and I also play those on repeat! Especially Chainsmoker's Closer <3
    Anyway, I've followed your blog on GFC #130 ^^



  26. Jako volim Siu, ima predivne pjesme, a ovo ostalo ne slušam, pošto sam prvi put na tvom blogu ne mogu a da ne pohvalim tvoju pozadinu i sam blogu koji izgledaju savršeno, nekako je i u mom fazonu i skoro sve ove serije iz pozadine gledam i volim, predivno svaka čast :D


  27. Jako volim Siu, ima predivne pjesme, a ovo ostalo ne slušam, pošto sam prvi put na tvom blogu ne mogu a da ne pohvalim tvoju pozadinu i sam blogu koji izgledaju savršeno, nekako je i u mom fazonu i skoro sve ove serije iz pozadine gledam i volim, predivno svaka čast :D


  28. I like your blog, its really dope.
    Do you want to follow each other?
    If you want, than follow me, and let me know in comments, so I can follow you back with pleasure.
    We can follow each other on Instagram @andjela.dujovic, let me know in the comments so I can follow you back.


  29. Odličan post, jako mi se sviđa tvoj blog <3
    Skoro sve ove pjesme sam poslušala i odlične su <3

    Ako želiš pogledaj moj blog i učlani se (uzvraćam)

  30. Love this songs! Would love to follow each other? It would be great for me to support you! Oh, I also have $100 giveaway on my blog so please check it out.


  31. Anonymous8/10/16 11:51


  32. Anonymous8/10/16 20:47

    You've picked really good songs :)

  33. Anonymous8/10/16 20:57

    I love can't stop the feeling :)
